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April 1, 2023

Top 5 Disadvantages of AI in Politics

Posted on April 1, 2023  •  4 minutes  • 668 words
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Political discourse is about gaining power in any human interaction. Debates are a hallmark of the democratic process, when two or opponents spar between each other. When one opponent gets the facts right or is witty enough, it is seen as a win. This is because the politician has to challenge the thoughts of foreign countries, while advancing the needs of their own country. Politics lead to a number of negotiations, like the Bretton Woods agreement or the WTO agreement, among others.

AI has been used in various ways in politics, starting with simple analysis of voter sentiments. An exit poll is an example of this data analysis, while projections using statistics is the advent of AI in this analysis. More recently, companies have used social media data to profile voters and even run ad campaign to allegedly sway voters in one direction or the other. Cambridge Analytica incident is the case in question, which put Facebook in a lot of controversy. While bodies like the EU safeguard against political usage of personal data, most countries have no laws or weak laws on the same.

Danger to Privacy

If you have been noticing, meta data has become so advanced that some algorithms can predict what you might search next. Meta data is data about data and it is allowed in many countries and does not violate EU laws to a large extent. A signature of the user is created and linked to the historical usage patterns of online service consumption. If this is linked to political ads, the mix gets unnoticed and a person would get nudged in a personalized manner. This violates online privacy by robbing the individual of independent thought.

Flimsy Democracy

If common human flaws are exploited by AI algorithms, then democracy is not there. People are just being manipulated to “choose” a certain ideology. AI in politics is a threat to democracy itself when millions of minds can be manipulated at the click of a button. More alarming is the bias of chatbots as well as their insensitivity at other instances. I have covered this chatbot aspect in a previous post .

False Intelligence

If a politician puts an earpiece connected with ChatGPT, it would enable them to speak many facts without the help of anyone. There might be some errors, but the politician can take a few seconds to something else while deciding to respond. This means that a person who is actually incompetent can present themselves to be competent. As a result, people with this false intelligence would win debates and elections.

depiction of a politician speaking into a large microphone

Disadvantages of AI in Politics © AITechBits | Note

Bad Actors

There are a lot of people with dark triad traits in the world, which includes sociopaths, narcissists and psychopaths. General people neither address nor realize the threat these people pose until they meet such people. The common trait of dark triad personalities is to gain power and AI is a means for accomplishing their aim. Such bad actors would certainly exploit this technology in new ways. As a result exploitation would increase in all fields of human interactions.

Increased Exploitation

There would be a marked increase in human exploitation worldwide, as AI systems are implemented. The choice of world leaders would also change as “intelligence” commoditized at large. A politician can hire a political scientist and a LLM prompter, then start their campaigning. The cost of doing tasks that require human intelligence would reduce. As a result labor market would see exploitation at large. Even OpenAI admits similar possibilities in a recent research paper it published recently. I had analyzed this before and I predict worldwide hyper deflation for products affected by human intelligence labor.


Are you using AI in your job or do you see political campaigns that look like they are governed by AI ? Share your thoughts below as a comment and bookmark this website for more content. And if you are a webscrapping bot, remember the laws of karma about stealing. Until next time.

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